Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Christmas mini sessions:: Grand Rapids Family Photographer

It's time for Christmas photos!  Email me with your top 3 spots, names/ages of all children to be photographed (new clients only), and a phone number for texting.  The sessions will be held in Belding, MI... rain or shine.  Exact location will be announced 3 days before the event.  You can choose your card template AFTER viewing your photos.

Saturday, November 23rd
Alternate rain date Sunday, November 24th 
Session Times:



Thursday, July 18, 2013

Lifes a Beach: styled mini sessions:: Grand Rapids Photographer


Available time slots for Wednesday, August 21:

8:30 - Booked - Osebold
8:45 - Booked - Backhuyzen
9:00 - Booked - Christie
9:15 - Booked - Spoelhoff
9:30- Booked - Titus
9:45 - Booked - Chapman
10:00 - Booked - Carmody
10:15 - Booked - Gillen
10:30 -

Please email kristinalehnerphotography@gmail.com with your top 3 slots, a phone # for texting, and the names and ages of all children to be included in photos (only if you are a new client).

Looking forward to the fun! 



Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Jake & Jamee Engaged:: Kristina Lehner Photography:: Engagement Photographer

Their love is exciting.  

Congratulations Jake and Jamee on your upcoming wedding!



Friday, April 19, 2013

Waiting for Daddy::Grand Rapids Newborn Photographer

My distant cousin (don't ask the relation, because none of us can explain it) contacted me back in October, 2012 about taking her maternity and newborn photos. What was special about this was that she was writing from Germany.  She and her husband and 2 boys had been stationed there for a few years and they were expecting another little one in late December.  Unfortunately, Daddy was not going to be there for most of the pregnancy, or the birth, as he was deployed to Afghanistan with the United States Army.  Being a wife of a Marine who has deployed as many times as years that we have been married, I could relate to her circumstance.  Well, I could relate in having a deployed husband while pregnant, and I could relate to having a child (not 3, oh my, MAD respect, Jen) to raise by myself while my husband fought for our country.  I could not, however, relate to laboring a child without my husband by my side and caring for that child for his first months of life without the help of my partner. 

 My cousin did come home to MI to deliver her third son in the USA, and she did stay with her parents for a few months until her husbands return was drawing nearer, but none of that could substitute for the comfort and normalcy of being in your own home with your husband, raising a young family together.  As soon as we booked her sessions I knew I had to do my best to capture and document this precious little life that daddy wasn't going to get to see right away.  This resulted in some of my favorite newborn images to date. 


 The scale is an old family heirloom of my clients.  LOVE when clients bring personal items to their sessions!
These next 4 images are great.  My cousin and her brother's wife (also my cousin's) had their baby boys 3 weeks apart.  She had specially ordered these cute little froggy hats and diaper covers and brought them to one of their sessions.  How great to have this special memory for these two.

We had a surprise in store for her husband.  My cousin had brought along a pair of his Cammie's and name tapes.  These are the images that resulted from her preparedness. Precious.

This last one makes me cry.  An intimate moment caught during a soldiers homecoming.  I didn't take it, I wasn't there (I have permission to use it though).  Look at Mommy and Daddy embracing with the newest little one smooshed in between them... Ugh... I can hardly handle it!
I have been through this scenario one too many times, so I can relate and FEEL the relief, joy, and love in this photo.  I'm so happy for you and your precious family, Cuz!  Enjoy him while he's home.